Article 1 (purpose)

  1. 1. Visitor Agreement (hereinafter referred to as ‘Policy’) is aimed at defining roles, responsibilities and rights of HYUNDAI WIA MEXICO S DE RL DE CV (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’) in regards to customers’ use of Internet service: the Company’s visit reservation request website; (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Website’).
  2. 2. Customers or the Company’s rights and responsibilities which are not stipulated in this Policy follow Republic of Korea Personal Identity Protection Act (PIPA) and other personal identity protection related legislations.

Article 2 (Definition of Customers)

  1. 1. Customers are people who connect to the Company’s Website and make use of the service without member registrations.

Article 3 (Provided Services and their Changes)

  1. 1. The Company provides services to customers as below.
        ① Policies on visit reservation process.
        ② Guidelines for on-site visit procedures.
        ③ All other services deemed necessary to be provided to customers by the Company.
  2. 2. Services pertaining to the first clause will be provided to customers via Website notification channel.
  3. 3. The Company notifies newly updated service contents and their enforcement date at least 7 days prior to its application via the Website notification channel, should there be any updates for the services pertaining to the first clause.

Article 4 (Service Interruption)

  1. 1. The Company may suspend the availability of the Website in case there is maintenance, replacement, or breakdown on service providing infrastructures or terminate current service permanently if the Company finds considerably reasonable alternatives to replace the system or any other proper reasons.
  2. 2. The Company announces to customers via notification channel in case of service termination pertaining to the first clause. However, it does not apply to circumstances where it is impossible to announce in a timely manner due to interruptions caused by uncontrollable reasons such as system down by APT attacks, etc.

Article 5 (Customer Disqualification)

  1. 1. Customers may request deletion of his/her personal information before visiting the Company and the Company shall take measures to delete personal information immediately unless there are proper grounds such as specifying the Company’s right of collecting customers’ personal information in regards to PIPA or any other related laws. However, the Company keeps customers’ visiting history record for certain period of time set by the Company’s privacy policy to protect its information.
  2. 2. The Company can reject the issuance of visitor badges and/or permission to enter if:
        ① Customers register false information on the Website.
        ② Customers violate the Company’s security policies.
        ③ Customers cause misconducts against the PIPA, this Policy and/or any other public orders and good morals
        ④ The Company regards customer ineligible for entering when reflected by internal policies.
        ⑤ Certain situation where it is deemed inappropriate if customers’ entering the Company due to the Company’s in/external conditions.
  3. 3. The Company shall grant customers the opportunity to present evidence of such reason before rejection of badge issuance or grant of access.

Article 6 (Notification to Customers)

  1. 1. The Company may contact the customers by the mobile phone number registered at reservation if the Company needs some announcements to make to certain customers.
  2. 2. The Company may substitute individual announcements by mass customer announcements on the Website.

Article 7 (Customers’ Personal Information Protection)

  1. 1. The Company makes efforts to protect customers’ personal information including that already registered on the Website according to what is stipulated in related laws. Customers’ personal information protection follows related laws and the Company’s privacy policy.

Article 8 (The Company’s Responsibilities)

  1. 1. The Company shall not practice procedures against related laws, this Policy, or public orders and good morals and makes efforts to provide consistent and stable services specified in this Policy.
  2. 2. The Company establishes security system to protect customers’ personal information for safe Website transactions.

Article 9 (Customers’ Responsibilities for Personal Information)

  1. 1. Except the Company, lying under responsibilities in regards to related laws and personal information Process Policies, individual personal information management responsibilities fall on each individuals.
  2. 2. Customers shall not allow third parties to use his/her personal information

Article 10 (Customers’ Responsibilities)

  1. 1. Customers shall not practice below conducts:
        ① Registering false information on the Website at reservation.
        ② Changing information posted on the Website.
        ③ Infringing personal rights or intellectual properties, or interrupting business the Company or third parties possess.
        ④ Expropriating other person’s personal information.
        ⑤ Collecting, storing or disclosing other customers’ personal information without their consent.
        ⑥ Violating the Company’s policies in regards to the Company’s service or use of other services.
  2. 2. The Company may refuse the issuance of badges or entrance to the building to the ones who have shown conducts mentioned in the first clause of this article.
  3. 3. Customers are responsible for compensating the loss suffered by the Company or other customers caused by their imputation.

Article 11 (Copyright Ownership and Use Limitations)

  1. 1. Assets related to the Website services include copyrights, trademark rights, technology information, text, graphic, audio, video, download, link and source code (hereinafter referred to as service) and the Company has every right of the services. Every type of information is for customers and for their convenience. However, the company declares that it does not mean the approval of the use of the information for commercial purposes. Customers cannot use the Website or the service under any circumstances except for individual purposes.
  2. 2. Customers shall not use the information obtained from the Website by means of duplication, transfer, publication, broadcasting or others for his/her own profits or provide to third parties without the Company’s prior consent.

Article 12 (Exemption)

  1. 1. Customers take responsibilities for the Website registered data’s reliability or accuracy and the Company does not take any responsibilities to the customers or the third party’s loss caused by inaccurate or false information.
  2. 2. The Company does not take any responsibilities for the loss of customers or the third party in regards to the use of the service caused by the customers’ intentional or accidental misdeeds.

Article 13 (The Policy’s Revision)

  1. 1. The Company may revise this Policy in the manner that it does not violate related laws: Regulation of Standardized Contracts, Framework Act on Electronic Commerce, Digital Signature Act, Information and Communication Network Use Boost Act, etc.
  2. 2. The Company shall announce the application date of newly revised Policy and its reasons of revision with the current version on the Website 7 days prior to its activation.
  3. 3. Customers have the right to deny the application of the revised Policy. Customers may bring opposition to the Policy within 15 days after the activation, and the Company may announce further that the Policy is regarded as concurred unless customers bring opposition. Resultingly, with no sign of denial shown from the customers, the Company may well deem that the Policy is concurred by the customers.

Article 14 (Trial Jurisdiction)

  1. 1. Republic of Korea laws apply to disputes between the Company and customers on the use of the Website service and legal actions will be brought to Republic of Korea’s court which has civil litigation governing jurisdictions.

Supplementary Provision
This Policy is effective as of 1st June 2017.